Each World is a Heaven ... ...
(too old to reply)
2018-08-04 04:35:58 UTC
Each World where people live is their Heaven.
They do not want to leave.
They do not want to die and go somewhere else.
They are perfectly happy.

They are young, healthy, their World is a beautiful place, and there
is no suffering.

The reason Earth is not currently "Heaven", and the reason there is so
much ugliness and suffering and filth and disease is due to the women.

On all Worlds they MUST obey the Rules and Laws that Govern their
Society and on Earth the women are not doing this.

The women are out of order and out of place.
They are wearing Men's clothes and doing Men's jobs and eating Men's
food and for each every thing they do that is Wrong, they cause some
kind of suffering.

Even old age.
Even cancer.

The difference between the Hell that Earth is today and the Heaven
that Earth could be is purely down to the behaviour of the women.
2018-08-04 04:39:54 UTC
On ALL Worlds where Men live with women, the Men are ALWAYS Dominant
and in Charge. The Men Rule the World, the Men Lead the way into the
Future, and the women honour and respect that.
Men are ALWAYS dominant over women. Women are NEVER ALLOWED to be
dominant over any Men.

And on all Worlds where Men live with women, the women NEVER interfere
in any of the Men's jobs or professions or occupations or interests.
And they NEVER wear Men's clothes.
And they do NOT eat Men's food.

The result is that on all Worlds where Men live with women, they are
young and happy and they live in their Heaven.

The ONLY exception to this, is Earth.

And Earth is the ONLY place where the people live in Hell rather than

And the reason for that is due to the behaviour of the women.
2018-08-04 04:52:35 UTC
The Men CANNOT lead the way into the Future if the women are
interfering with the Dominance and Leadership of the Men.

And the Men MUST Lead the way into the Future, in order to find all
the Good and Wonderful things that are there.

ONLY the Men can find those things.

But instead of that, the people of Earth are finding bad things, and
things that break down and malfunction and things that cause

The whole of Earth Society has broken down because of the women.

And the women are effecting the Future and Well being of Earth people.

If the women do not Voluntarily get back in the kitchen where they
belong, then they will be FORCED to do so.
And they will not like that at all.

But once they have been FORCED to behave correctly, then that would be
the Return to Paradise that was PROMISED.

The difference between Heaven and Hell is purely down to the behaviour
of the women.

The women are to blame for ALL the suffering on Earth
2018-08-04 04:59:06 UTC
It is only a matter of time until it is done.

And if Earth people do not do this VOLUNTARILY then the women will be
FORCED to behave.

And the women will not like that at all.

So we suggest you get the women back in order and tell them to get
back into the kitchen where they belong.

If you do that, then you can avoid the consequences that will happen
if Outside Forces have to Intervene in order to stop the women from
causing such horrible suffering to the Men and Boys

It CANNOT be allowed to continue

And once the women are back in order and back in their place, Earth
people will CLEARLY SEE the amount of suffering and ugliness that the
women caused.

And that one thing will cause Earth to be their Heaven once again.

Or you can call it the Return to Paradise that was Promised, when
Paradise was Lost due to the Disobedience of the women.

And it was their Disobedience that started all this.
