12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up
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Joe Cooper
2017-03-24 16:48:25 UTC
What I am about to present to you is what really happened. All the proof
is linked below, but what I'm about to do is what I call "Revealing the
Matrix," showing you the truth backed by incontrovertible fact and the
media's own words. Not my words. Not President Trump's words. The media's

We're gunna cut through all the code, all the spin, all the fog, all the
lies, and all the Coordinated Narratives used by our media to obscure

And we will begin with the beguine …

Our national media has known for months that the Obama administration
spied on Team Trump. This was not only common knowledge within the media
community, it was no secret. In fact, as you'll see below, for two big
reasons, the media was overjoyed that this spying had occurred: (1) they
got scoops damaging to Trump, and (2) in their provincial and cultish
minds, the very fact that the oh-so pure Obama administration felt the
need to spy, could only mean Trump was in bed with Putin.

In fact, the media was actually having a big public party using Obama's
spying. Hoo-hah here's a scoop! Whee-hee Flynn said this! Woo-woo palace
intrigue! Ha-haaah here's what so-and-so said! Tra-la-la here's what so-
and-so did!

And then on March 4, in a series of tweets that had the exact same effect
as political nukes, Trump himself confirmed what the media had already
told us, that the Obama administration had spied on him and his team.
Trump's brilliance was focusing on the sleazy and illegal act of the
actual spying. And this is when the media realized that all their ha-has
and tra-la-las were about to backfire. Their Precious Barry was now at
risk, and so the shameless cover up and lying began …

Suddenly, right around 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 4, the conventional
wisdom and public knowledge that the Obama administration had spied on
Trump, was surrounded by the media's semantic wagons which were manned by
lying journalists armed with hair-splitting. I don't want to go through
all that again, so you can read why Trump told the 100% truth in the
first section of this piece. The bottom line, though, is this …

Trump accused Obama of spying on him.

Obama did spy on Trump.

The media knew Obama spied on Trump.

The media lied and covered up the fact that Obama spied on Trump.

We know this with absolute certainty because the media itself told us so.
And here is all the proof you will ever need to make that case …
[emphasis mine throughout]

1. Heat Street - November 7, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: FBI ‘Granted FISA Warrant’ Covering Trump Camp’s
Ties To Russia

Two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence
community have confirmed to Heat Street that the FBI sought,
and was granted, a FISA court warrant in October, giving
counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities
of ‘U.S. persons’ in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia.

So let's stop for a moment to make a couple of things clear. The FBI
reports to the Department of Justice, which at the time was run by
Obama's highly politicized Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. The author of
this piece, Louise Mensch, despises Trump, and if you'll look at the
publication date, she dropped this supposed bombshell the night before
the election, and did so for reasons I should not have to explain.

You are now asking yourselves: Who the hell is Heat Street and how does
this prove anything? That's a fair question, let me answer it this way:
As you'll see below, this report of the Obama administration asking for
and receiving a surveillance warrant to monitor Team Trump is confirmed
by a number of other MSM sources.

Moreover, no less than The New York Times re-published this information
as recently as last weekend.

2. The Guardian – January 11, 2017

The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant
from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over
the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump
team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials.
The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI
counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus.
According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a
warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it
is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation.

The left-wing Guardian not only reported that the Obama administration
sought a surveillance warrant, but that it was specifically requested to
"monitor four members of the Trump team." This was the summer request, as
reported by Heat Street, that was turned down.

3. The New York Times – January 12, 2017

In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the
National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal
communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies
before applying privacy protections.

The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A.
may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance
operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws.
These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails
that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad
that cross domestic network switches.

The change means that far more officials will be searching through raw
data. Essentially, the government is reducing the risk that the N.S.A.
will fail to recognize that a piece of information would be valuable to
another agency, but increasing the risk that officials will see private
information about innocent people.

[/NY Times]

This is the most important piece of the puzzle, because it explains how
the media was getting all of its scoops via leaks via surveillance.
Moreover, it explains how the media knew it was getting all these scoops
via leaks via surveillance.

If you are not the target of the surveillance, if your name is not on the
FISA warrant, if you are "incidentally" picked up in surveillance, in
order to protect your privacy as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment, the
government is required by law to mask or blackout your name in its

Just before running out the door, the Obama administration unilaterally
changed the law in a way that allowed surveillance intel to be
disseminated throughout all 16 national security agencies "before
applying privacy protections" – and this includes surveillance picked up
by the NSA, which is "largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws

Let me explain what happens ...

Hoo-ha, lookie-lookie at what we "incidentally" picked up at Trump Tower.
But thanks to Precious Barry, I don't have to black out this "incidental
juiciness" before I send it out to 16 whole agencies. Golly gee, now that
we can spread this far and wide without masking all the "incidental
juiciness," I sure hope it doesn’t end up in the hands of someone Obama
appointee who likes all those tweets Jake Tapper sends out kissing the
Intelligence Community's ass.

Hey, if anyone has another theory for why the Obama administration would
make such a change just as the Trump administration was coming in, I'm
all ears.

But you don't. Because there is no other theory. The only reason to
authorize the spreading far and wide of these "incidental" names is to
better the chances of Trump-related leaks to the hostile media.

Not to get too far off track, but welcome to a banana republic where
secret and unlawful surveillance is leaked to the public for partisan

4. The BBC – January 17, 2017

Lawyers from the National Security Division in the Department of Justice
then drew up an application. They took it to the secret US court that
deals with intelligence, the Fisa court, named after the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act. They wanted permission to intercept the
electronic records from two Russian banks.

Their first application, in June, was rejected outright by the judge.
They returned with a more narrowly drawn order in July and were rejected
again. Finally, before a new judge, the order was granted, on 15 October,
three weeks before election day.

Neither Mr Trump nor his associates are named in the Fisa order, which
would only cover foreign citizens or foreign entities – in this case the
Russian banks. But ultimately, the investigation is looking for transfers
of money from Russia to the United States, each one, if proved, a felony

A lawyer – outside the Department of Justice but familiar with the case –
told me that three of Mr. Trump's associates were the subject of the
inquiry. "But it's clear this is about Trump," he said.

[/The BBC]

The left-wing BBC not only backs up the Heat Street reporting but
publishes the news that "three of Trump's associates" were part of this
surveillance operation.

5. McClatchy - January 18, 2017

The agencies involved in the inquiry are the FBI, the CIA, the National
Security Agency, the Justice Department, the Treasury Department’s
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and representatives of the director
of national intelligence, the sources said. …

A key mission of the six-agency group has been to examine who financed
the email hacks of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign
chairman John Podesta. The London-based transparency group WikiLeaks
released the emails last summer and in October.

The working group is scrutinizing the activities of a few Americans who
were affiliated with Trump’s campaign or his business empire and of
multiple individuals from Russia and other former Soviet nations.

The BBC reported that the FBI had obtained a warrant on Oct. 15 from the
highly secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court allowing
investigators access to bank records and other documents about potential
payments and money transfers related to Russia. One of McClatchy’s
sources confirmed the report.


Surveillance warrant.

"Americans associated with Trump[.]"

Even after eight years of Obama, two plus two still equals four.

6. The New York Times - Jan 19, 2017

Print headline: "Wiretapped Data Used In Inquiry of Trump Aides" …

The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security
Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit.
The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have
found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One
official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped
communications had been provided to the White House.

[/NY Times]

The Obama administration is investigating Trump.

The White House is looking at intelligence based on "wiretapped

This is The New York Times, y'all. This is the secular media's Bible,
their Gaia, their Sacrament of all that is Right and True, and that Bible
laid it all out in the exact same language used by Trump.

7. The Washington Post - February 9, 2017

Headline: "National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with
Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say"

National security adviser Michael Flynn privately discussed U.S.
sanctions against Russia with that country’s ambassador to the United
States during the month before President Trump took office, contrary to
public assertions by Trump officials, current and former U.S. officials

Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were
interpreted by some senior U.S. officials as an inappropriate and
potentially illegal signal to the Kremlin that it could expect a reprieve
from sanctions that were being imposed by the Obama administration in
late December to punish Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016

[/Washington Post]

The Washington Post says it loud and says it proud that the month prior
to Trump taking office, the Obama administration listened to Flynn's
phone calls. It should be added that the report also says that Flynn said
nothing unethical or wrong.

Maybe the FISA warrant targeted the Russian ambassador. Nevertheless,
once Flynn's name was unmasked, disseminated and publicly leaked, at
least two felonies had occurred – and incidental (yeah, right) or not,
once all that happened, what the Obama administration did is called

Let's also add to the mix the juicy fact that several members of the
Obama administration had access to this unmasked information about Flynn.

8. CNN - February 14, 2017

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius cited a single "senior U.S.
government official" while reporting that "Flynn phoned Russian
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29, the day the Obama
administration announced the expulsion of 35 Russian officials as well as
other measures in retaliation for the hacking." …

Last Thursday, The Post cited "nine current and former officials" in a
story headlined "National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with
Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say."

The New York Times quickly matched the story and said there was a
transcript of the discussions.

The chronology suggests that some officials in the government sought to
alert the public to Flynn's contacts by leaking to the press.


This is CNN, the same network that for three weeks now has smeared Trump
as a liar over his claim Obama spied on him – and yet, this very same CNN
is seen here celebrating the fact that Mike Flynn was taken down by –
read closely now – the Obama administration intercepting Flynn's phone
calls, including a possible TRANSCRIPT.

Riddle me this, CNN: How did the Obama administration get a transcript of
a phone call from a member of Trump's team, a team that was working out
of Trump Tower? I mean, other than a wiretap?

Two more questions: Was Flynn's name on the FISA warrant? And if not, why
didn’t the Obama administration mask his name, as required by law?

Either way, what we have here is CNN not only reporting that the Obama
administration spied on Team Trump, but GLOATING over the fact that
Obama's spying resulted in a scalp.

And then, just three weeks later, CNN would call Trump a liar for
believing what? … CNN's reporting!

9. NBC News - February 10, 2017

A U.S. intelligence official briefed on the matter confirmed to NBC News
that National Security Advisor Mike Flynn discussed sanctions with the
Russian ambassador before Flynn took office[.]

The official said he was told there was no quid pro quo and that there
has been no finding inside the government that Flynn did anything
illegal. …

Flynn spoke to Kislyak on Dec. 29, the same day the sanctions were

[/NBC News]

NBC News obviously knew the Obama administration was listening to Team
Trump phone calls.

10. The Associated Press - February 13, 2017

Two people familiar with the situation say the Justice Department warned
the Trump administration about Michael Flynn's contacts with Russia.

One of the people says the Justice Department told the administration
there was a discrepancy between what the White House was saying publicly
about Flynn's contacts and the facts of what occurred.

The Associated Press knew the Obama administration had listened to
Flynn's calls.

11. ABC News - February 13, 2017

Embattled National Security Adviser Michael Flynn called
Vice President Mike Pence Friday to apologize for
misleading him about a conversation with the Russian
ambassador to the United States, according to a senior
White House official.

ABC News knew the Obama administration had listened to Flynn's calls.

12. CBS News - February 10, 2017

Investigators believe that President Trump’s national security adviser,
Michael Flynn, privately discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia in a
phone call with a Russian official, law enforcement sources told CBS News
on Friday.

Multiple sources told CBS News’ Jeff Pegues and Pat Milton that the
conversation occurred before Mr. Trump took office and, if true, could be
a violation of protocol and could be viewed as a violation of the law.

[/CBS News]

CBS News knew the Obama administrations had listened to Flynn's calls.


I could go on and on – so I hope I've made my point and closed my case.
The evidence is so overwhelming that by now your eyes are probably glazed
over and you mind is screaming Enough already!


Way back in January, Heat Street, The Guardian, The BBC, and McClatchy
all confirmed that he Obama administration sought and/or received
surveillance warrants aimed at Team Trump.

Way back in January, The New York Times reported that the Obama White
House was looking at wiretap intelligence related to Trump.

Way back in February, The Washington Post, CNN, the Associated Press, NBC
News, CBS News, and ABC News all gleefully reported on private telephone
calls that were surveilled by the Obama administration and then illegally
made public to the media.

Then, In March, just weeks after all of this reporting on the awesomeness
of Obama-era surveillance warrants and intercepted phone calls …

Despite their own knowledge, despite their own reporting, despite the
words they publicly printed and the words they publicly spoke, every
single one of these news outlets declared Trump a liar for the sin of
what …?

For the sin of believing the same people now smearing him as a lair.<sic>

Source: http://bit.ly/2nQfeMw
"You will never understand today's rage on the left, or its real effort
to overthrow American constitutional government, if you do not understand
lynch mobs -- KKK, Leninist, Soros-sponsored, and Obama-controlled."--
James Lewis, "Lynch Mobs of the Left," http://bit.ly/2lwmH2y
Frito Pendejo
2017-03-24 18:26:45 UTC