Jos Boersema
2024-11-08 13:21:45 UTC
title: Who Will Crown King Messiah? The King of Edom
source: Rav Avraham Shira
Someone wrote a reply under this, along the lines of "if you
'moshiach' are reading this, then I support you and you will succeed".
Exact text below in quotes.
Reply ...
Ah ok, well don't worry too much, anymore at least. The suffering
is mostly over it seems. I understand you think I'm not "that", but
whatever. This is the point I wanted to make ...
I'm just thinking about all this idolatry, which you guys call _religion_
and which you believe in so much, wondering if the whole thing is
basically a set up to destroy it, because of the damage it has been doing
and is continuing to do. The theory goes like this: the whole world is
sick to the core with this idolatry, which I hypothesize is a lef over
from monkey behavior & the violence inherent in animal life. Theory of
evolution ? Yes, thanks. Anyway, so the whole world is sick with this
idolatry, back thousands of years ago. Then you see all the suffering
and the abuse, and some people (or whatever just asked around and said:
why don't you stop with your sick behavior, and deal fairly with others,
so that you will all be happy ? After trying for the Nth time and noticing
these people are non-stop focussed on their idols their fake gods their
fairy tales, they came up with a strategy ...
Note that this is pure fantasy and speculation, it may be completely
wrong, it's merely a thought at this point. What if we could trick all
this idolators into believing in an idol, and we will set up this idol for
them, but then in the end unlike all their own fake idols and stupidity,
our idol will actually happen. None of their idols will happen, because
these don't even exist. We will set up our own idol against them, and
trick them into believing in our idol. They will still be idolators,
mindless and abusive, ignorant, but they will believe in our idol now,
which is a story we completely have set up ourselves for this purpose.
When we trigger our idol to come, it is like the game of go (baduk),
where you fill in the enemy territory and take them out. The idol
comes, and ... it turns out, it's nothing. It's just another guy. What a
disappointment. It turns out, he isn't even that smart either. Certainly
_not_ a super human go (baduk) player. Perhaps average. Not completely
without abilities in some aspects of life though, you wouldn't want to
overdo it either. The guy still needs to be a little bit ok, certainly
not a bad guy. The guy is of course also not supposed to be an idolator
himself. No prayering nonsense, please. No idolatry garbage, please. No
religious nonsense, please. This is the whole idea. To make the humans
stop with their insanity, and just be as wise as they should already be,
and solve a few obvious problems on Earth, to live happy ever after.
Now that I type out this theory, it makes me feel good. Do you catch
where i am going ?
The clue is then going to be, that once the idolators snap out of
their foolishness, snap out of their "religious" stupor, their magical
beliefs, they might finally connect with their own functioning minds
again. Perhaps it will take them a few years, I don't know, but they
return to being more fully human, and get over their idolatry, their
magical rituals, their rituals, and so on. Focus back on reality, and
so much brain time is available for real problems. Once they get there,
they start realizing even better: this 'moshiach' dude of ours, really
it's just another dude. We are like that now, we are no different and
some of us are probably smarter too, perhaps more moral even as well,
more caring. It's just another dude Oh My .... _goodness_ (hehehe),
it's just another dude like anyone else. What have we done ?! What have
we wasted our time on ?! We are such fools.
We have waited on thing, we _waited on nobody else but ourselves_ (as
some wise Native Indians of Turtle Island already have put it). You are
waiting on yourselves. All the religious garbage is then going to fall
... or is it ?
Well, truth is truth, there is no way around that. The Torah of Moshe
Rabbeinu is good, the only problem with it is that Israel is not so
good, not even back then, and this likely limited the "revelation" of
the Torah, to what they could or wanted to deal with (handle). Anyway,
the Torah is still true and good. Secondly, even though all the idolatry
and ignorant "religion" might die out hopefully soon, that doesn't mean
that the entire Universe now suddenly isn't a huge and incomprehensible
miracle anymore. That problem still exists, and for this we still have
this solution called "The Creator" - even if we know nothing about it. We
can see that reality exists, and we know we didn't do it, and we can also
see that it is exceedingly amazing, very well made, unbelievably (heh)
impressive. We didn't do it, so we just out of respect I suppose, assign
the highest possible honor to that which we do not know: the Creator.
We could then connect the two: why is the Torah true (not to be confused
with the lying Rabbis by the way, they are liars and have messed up
the Torah and are causing the exile every day), in such a world of
foolishness, why does it point to this very God concept, and so what
does all this mean. Does it really mean that this Creator principle put
the Torah in the hands of Moshe Rabbeinu ? I think it is possible, but
knowing it like you _know_ things, no. I think it is possible, because
humanity is a big mess, and if there was one small move which could make
the whole difference in the end, for this entire species, then perhaps
God the Creator really just made that one small move, and let it play
out. The other theory would be, that they just did it "in the name off",
and so on and so forth, but this is just something I don't know. It isn't
important, but because you all are idolators and obsessively religious
while ignoring reality, I guess it will matter to _you._
You all are busy with whatever non-Earth issues of your own fantasy,
and here this world, it is going to hell. That is what your religions
are worth. You think this is about Kingship and (disgusting word)
"worship" (puke). lol. Check even the Torah: it is about money, land,
reality. Sure there is also the submission to this Creator, but you
could excuse that as an attempt to learn to be humble so that later this
humility and open ear could be turned to each other, and we could all
solve our problems reasonably and rationally. That would then be the
world, and the essential problem would be solved.
What problem ? People suffering. They often suffer from things like
poverty, war, violence, ignorance and greed. These are real world issues,
with real world answers: laws, methods, actions. The religious people
especially usually seem to be the most ignorant of them all. Immediately
they will probably think about magical abundance and a big power boss
who distributes choco bars. That is how their minds work, because they
lost their minds due to their idolatry.
Land, sand, rivers, sea, sunlight, the weather, nature, the squirrels, the
deer, the birds and so and and so on. There is your abundance, and how to
deal with it all, is really not so difficult. Greedy Rabbis and dishonest
people pretend it is difficult, even though the Torah already has a good
number of solutions completely written out, such as the Jubilee on land
(certainly not the only way to handle land, but at least you get your
right to land honored in principle). Markets in land are wrong.
Once people understand all these things themselves, they will realize
what I talked about before: they where in an idolatrous stupor, their
own minds where blocked from seeing the obvious because behaved like
idolators like beta monkeys in the pile. Once they would understand it,
it is as like an insanity drops off of them, and they will know how
the Rabbis are liars (Rambam Shemita 10:8 is a lie, prozbul, heter
iska are lies & faking an end to Shabbos during the day is also a lie),
who have caused the exile. Once they understand it, not only can they
get their own Nation out of exile, they could get other Nations out of
their stupor of insanity as well. It's kindof like, the quarter dropped,
and it was all so (relatively) simple in the end. Once it's done and it
becomes routine, it will really become obvious, and simple.
It will be amazing if we could finally overthrow the caste system in
India for good, and help those farmers and abused people, and the people
of many other lands as well - basically the whole world. Of course,
reality will not make it easy, even if it should be. It will probably
be a long process.
You see now the point: the whole Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu and the prophets,
it is one long war against idolatry and the insanity thereof, and this
'moshiach' thing is like almost a double agent within the pantheon
of insanity which humanity beliefs in. A spy, an infiltator, who when
demasked turns out to be: the only one who exists of all this absolutely
sordid stupidity humanity has been into, the only one who is real,
and the only one who is not worthy to be worshiped ! Just another dude,
just another dude hahaha. Truly we are on the planet of the imbeciles,
aren't we.
What do you think of this theory ? It's just an hypotheses. You are of
course one of these lost idolators, so I don't know if you even want
to know the truth right now. Typically they do not want to. Oh well,
there is always the _next round of punishment_ in the Torah ... To
really drive it home about how wrong all this ignorant "religion" is,
and how corrupt and fraudulent it all has become.
The essential problem you idolators and religious people have, is that
you think this is about "who", a person. You worship persons. That is
disgusting. You want Kings and magical creatures to worship. You don't
want to grow up and be a real human being, who listens to others and lives
together with them in a balanced way. You are the ultimate in _personality
politics._ The most lost, the most ignorant. This is what I was thinking
is the second half of this whole strategy: while the idolators are lost
one way or the other, any real people will at least have a levarage
over the idolators, whose own idolatry now points to what _they_ are
saying. The idolators will then be disempowered and can hopefully be
overturned, and the people who want a real life won't be damaged as much
anymore by the idolatrous hordes, who have some serious problems to deal
with within their system of idolatry. Perhaps by the time they resolved
their madness, they too could get out of it. We can always hope ...
Point by point ...
individual, right ? How do you do that.
so that means you have campaigned for the right to free land for all,
and land markets to be closed ? You obviously at least oppose western
idolatry ?
believe in me. You should care for & believe in the truth. Facts on the
one hand, and _what is good_ on the other. What is good is about what to
do, what you should do. If you believe in me personally, then I order
you now to stop doing it, thanks. You should not do what I say because
it is me or whatever titles have been ascribed to me, including the
good and the bad. You should understand and then do what you like. I do
suggest however, to check out my program and arguments. I worked on it
a lot, I think it is worth a look. If it works, the conseqences could
be ... great. If it is bad, then waste no time and argue against it,
save people some trouble.
I am not a viewer of these channels. The Rabbis need to stop lying about
the Torah. I merely try to get trhough them often, either because they
pop up in the youtube feed or I search for 'moshiach' ;-). I do that,
because there is always a chance that this method will work, because the
situation is quite critical. I hurried a lot, but now the Jews are pissing
the time away for nothing. This is very ... sad and disappointing. The
next round of punishment will be 7 times worse than the Nazis, and
it is created right now by the Rabbis, and people like this in the
above channel, who follow the traitors Hillel the Elder and Rambam /
Maimonides. They are creating the exile, and destroying Israel with
that. I don't know how they can be so clueless, but it looks like they
will have to be overthrown in the end. Lies are lies, I'm not playing
games with it. They are hardened in their lies, so they will go down with
their lies. They made that choice over the last years since about 2008.
level of suffering, since I don't think there is a word for it. Don't
dwell on it, it is already over and nobody helped me almost when they
could have and now it is too late. Nothing can be done about it anymore,
it is too late. It was already suffered.
done and over from this side basically. I can die right now and it should
not make any difference anymore.
By the way, I don't expect anything from this messed up humanity. They
don't want peace, also not the Jewish people. It's all just make
believe. However, after World War 3 which will be so bad, there is a small
chance which I do not want to let go to waste. That is all. I expect this
message will be ignored as usual, that is as expected, but later it may
be realized, and then all these things are already written out in so much
detail, and the whole thing is going to function like a well oiled clock
(I hope). You see what I'm doing ? Prepare your house for hard times.
[Continuing on Usenet.]
I thought about detailing that this is not about Kingship, because I am
not doing that (see title in video). Don't need it, and I am an
anti-Monarchist, of course. One of the things I am against the most, is
Monarchy. I think it is a degrading practice, which can only be a like
what we would call in the Netherlands a "horse cure" (paarden middel).
It means something very strong & rough against a difficult problem,
almost like in a last resort when all else has already failed. The
disease in this question would be: people not listening to or caring for
each other, making a completely mess about what should be common
decisions. A King can then be a "horse cure", a last resort against
total chaos & never ending violence and civil wars. (But I already
crazily replied 3 times with big texts, and I didn't want to push my
luck with that system any further.)
source: Rav Avraham Shira
Someone wrote a reply under this, along the lines of "if you
'moshiach' are reading this, then I support you and you will succeed".
Exact text below in quotes.
Reply ...
Ah ok, well don't worry too much, anymore at least. The suffering
is mostly over it seems. I understand you think I'm not "that", but
whatever. This is the point I wanted to make ...
I'm just thinking about all this idolatry, which you guys call _religion_
and which you believe in so much, wondering if the whole thing is
basically a set up to destroy it, because of the damage it has been doing
and is continuing to do. The theory goes like this: the whole world is
sick to the core with this idolatry, which I hypothesize is a lef over
from monkey behavior & the violence inherent in animal life. Theory of
evolution ? Yes, thanks. Anyway, so the whole world is sick with this
idolatry, back thousands of years ago. Then you see all the suffering
and the abuse, and some people (or whatever just asked around and said:
why don't you stop with your sick behavior, and deal fairly with others,
so that you will all be happy ? After trying for the Nth time and noticing
these people are non-stop focussed on their idols their fake gods their
fairy tales, they came up with a strategy ...
Note that this is pure fantasy and speculation, it may be completely
wrong, it's merely a thought at this point. What if we could trick all
this idolators into believing in an idol, and we will set up this idol for
them, but then in the end unlike all their own fake idols and stupidity,
our idol will actually happen. None of their idols will happen, because
these don't even exist. We will set up our own idol against them, and
trick them into believing in our idol. They will still be idolators,
mindless and abusive, ignorant, but they will believe in our idol now,
which is a story we completely have set up ourselves for this purpose.
When we trigger our idol to come, it is like the game of go (baduk),
where you fill in the enemy territory and take them out. The idol
comes, and ... it turns out, it's nothing. It's just another guy. What a
disappointment. It turns out, he isn't even that smart either. Certainly
_not_ a super human go (baduk) player. Perhaps average. Not completely
without abilities in some aspects of life though, you wouldn't want to
overdo it either. The guy still needs to be a little bit ok, certainly
not a bad guy. The guy is of course also not supposed to be an idolator
himself. No prayering nonsense, please. No idolatry garbage, please. No
religious nonsense, please. This is the whole idea. To make the humans
stop with their insanity, and just be as wise as they should already be,
and solve a few obvious problems on Earth, to live happy ever after.
Now that I type out this theory, it makes me feel good. Do you catch
where i am going ?
The clue is then going to be, that once the idolators snap out of
their foolishness, snap out of their "religious" stupor, their magical
beliefs, they might finally connect with their own functioning minds
again. Perhaps it will take them a few years, I don't know, but they
return to being more fully human, and get over their idolatry, their
magical rituals, their rituals, and so on. Focus back on reality, and
so much brain time is available for real problems. Once they get there,
they start realizing even better: this 'moshiach' dude of ours, really
it's just another dude. We are like that now, we are no different and
some of us are probably smarter too, perhaps more moral even as well,
more caring. It's just another dude Oh My .... _goodness_ (hehehe),
it's just another dude like anyone else. What have we done ?! What have
we wasted our time on ?! We are such fools.
We have waited on thing, we _waited on nobody else but ourselves_ (as
some wise Native Indians of Turtle Island already have put it). You are
waiting on yourselves. All the religious garbage is then going to fall
... or is it ?
Well, truth is truth, there is no way around that. The Torah of Moshe
Rabbeinu is good, the only problem with it is that Israel is not so
good, not even back then, and this likely limited the "revelation" of
the Torah, to what they could or wanted to deal with (handle). Anyway,
the Torah is still true and good. Secondly, even though all the idolatry
and ignorant "religion" might die out hopefully soon, that doesn't mean
that the entire Universe now suddenly isn't a huge and incomprehensible
miracle anymore. That problem still exists, and for this we still have
this solution called "The Creator" - even if we know nothing about it. We
can see that reality exists, and we know we didn't do it, and we can also
see that it is exceedingly amazing, very well made, unbelievably (heh)
impressive. We didn't do it, so we just out of respect I suppose, assign
the highest possible honor to that which we do not know: the Creator.
We could then connect the two: why is the Torah true (not to be confused
with the lying Rabbis by the way, they are liars and have messed up
the Torah and are causing the exile every day), in such a world of
foolishness, why does it point to this very God concept, and so what
does all this mean. Does it really mean that this Creator principle put
the Torah in the hands of Moshe Rabbeinu ? I think it is possible, but
knowing it like you _know_ things, no. I think it is possible, because
humanity is a big mess, and if there was one small move which could make
the whole difference in the end, for this entire species, then perhaps
God the Creator really just made that one small move, and let it play
out. The other theory would be, that they just did it "in the name off",
and so on and so forth, but this is just something I don't know. It isn't
important, but because you all are idolators and obsessively religious
while ignoring reality, I guess it will matter to _you._
You all are busy with whatever non-Earth issues of your own fantasy,
and here this world, it is going to hell. That is what your religions
are worth. You think this is about Kingship and (disgusting word)
"worship" (puke). lol. Check even the Torah: it is about money, land,
reality. Sure there is also the submission to this Creator, but you
could excuse that as an attempt to learn to be humble so that later this
humility and open ear could be turned to each other, and we could all
solve our problems reasonably and rationally. That would then be the
world, and the essential problem would be solved.
What problem ? People suffering. They often suffer from things like
poverty, war, violence, ignorance and greed. These are real world issues,
with real world answers: laws, methods, actions. The religious people
especially usually seem to be the most ignorant of them all. Immediately
they will probably think about magical abundance and a big power boss
who distributes choco bars. That is how their minds work, because they
lost their minds due to their idolatry.
Land, sand, rivers, sea, sunlight, the weather, nature, the squirrels, the
deer, the birds and so and and so on. There is your abundance, and how to
deal with it all, is really not so difficult. Greedy Rabbis and dishonest
people pretend it is difficult, even though the Torah already has a good
number of solutions completely written out, such as the Jubilee on land
(certainly not the only way to handle land, but at least you get your
right to land honored in principle). Markets in land are wrong.
Once people understand all these things themselves, they will realize
what I talked about before: they where in an idolatrous stupor, their
own minds where blocked from seeing the obvious because behaved like
idolators like beta monkeys in the pile. Once they would understand it,
it is as like an insanity drops off of them, and they will know how
the Rabbis are liars (Rambam Shemita 10:8 is a lie, prozbul, heter
iska are lies & faking an end to Shabbos during the day is also a lie),
who have caused the exile. Once they understand it, not only can they
get their own Nation out of exile, they could get other Nations out of
their stupor of insanity as well. It's kindof like, the quarter dropped,
and it was all so (relatively) simple in the end. Once it's done and it
becomes routine, it will really become obvious, and simple.
It will be amazing if we could finally overthrow the caste system in
India for good, and help those farmers and abused people, and the people
of many other lands as well - basically the whole world. Of course,
reality will not make it easy, even if it should be. It will probably
be a long process.
You see now the point: the whole Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu and the prophets,
it is one long war against idolatry and the insanity thereof, and this
'moshiach' thing is like almost a double agent within the pantheon
of insanity which humanity beliefs in. A spy, an infiltator, who when
demasked turns out to be: the only one who exists of all this absolutely
sordid stupidity humanity has been into, the only one who is real,
and the only one who is not worthy to be worshiped ! Just another dude,
just another dude hahaha. Truly we are on the planet of the imbeciles,
aren't we.
What do you think of this theory ? It's just an hypotheses. You are of
course one of these lost idolators, so I don't know if you even want
to know the truth right now. Typically they do not want to. Oh well,
there is always the _next round of punishment_ in the Torah ... To
really drive it home about how wrong all this ignorant "religion" is,
and how corrupt and fraudulent it all has become.
The essential problem you idolators and religious people have, is that
you think this is about "who", a person. You worship persons. That is
disgusting. You want Kings and magical creatures to worship. You don't
want to grow up and be a real human being, who listens to others and lives
together with them in a balanced way. You are the ultimate in _personality
politics._ The most lost, the most ignorant. This is what I was thinking
is the second half of this whole strategy: while the idolators are lost
one way or the other, any real people will at least have a levarage
over the idolators, whose own idolatry now points to what _they_ are
saying. The idolators will then be disempowered and can hopefully be
overturned, and the people who want a real life won't be damaged as much
anymore by the idolatrous hordes, who have some serious problems to deal
with within their system of idolatry. Perhaps by the time they resolved
their madness, they too could get out of it. We can always hope ...
Point by point ...
I had a thought recently, but it just popped into my mind again while
listening Forewarning, I have not taken my own medicine on this, yet.
Sure.listening Forewarning, I have not taken my own medicine on this, yet.
Why don't we talk to him, Moshiach, instead of about him?
Okay, but of course then, technically, you first need to identify thisindividual, right ? How do you do that.
I'm a firm believe that he is among us. I trust HaShem.
Do you ? He said there should be no _selling of land in purpetuity_so that means you have campaigned for the right to free land for all,
and land markets to be closed ? You obviously at least oppose western
idolatry ?
Moshiach, if you are a viewer of this channel, and you happen to be
reading this comment, I want you to know that I believe in you
Well, please do not. This is wrong and idolatry. You should _not_reading this comment, I want you to know that I believe in you
believe in me. You should care for & believe in the truth. Facts on the
one hand, and _what is good_ on the other. What is good is about what to
do, what you should do. If you believe in me personally, then I order
you now to stop doing it, thanks. You should not do what I say because
it is me or whatever titles have been ascribed to me, including the
good and the bad. You should understand and then do what you like. I do
suggest however, to check out my program and arguments. I worked on it
a lot, I think it is worth a look. If it works, the conseqences could
be ... great. If it is bad, then waste no time and argue against it,
save people some trouble.
I am not a viewer of these channels. The Rabbis need to stop lying about
the Torah. I merely try to get trhough them often, either because they
pop up in the youtube feed or I search for 'moshiach' ;-). I do that,
because there is always a chance that this method will work, because the
situation is quite critical. I hurried a lot, but now the Jews are pissing
the time away for nothing. This is very ... sad and disappointing. The
next round of punishment will be 7 times worse than the Nazis, and
it is created right now by the Rabbis, and people like this in the
above channel, who follow the traitors Hillel the Elder and Rambam /
Maimonides. They are creating the exile, and destroying Israel with
that. I don't know how they can be so clueless, but it looks like they
will have to be overthrown in the end. Lies are lies, I'm not playing
games with it. They are hardened in their lies, so they will go down with
their lies. They made that choice over the last years since about 2008.
I don't know what your going thru, or maybe I do, and don't realize it,
but you got this.
At the moment it is ok, but i don't think a lot of people know thebut you got this.
level of suffering, since I don't think there is a word for it. Don't
dwell on it, it is already over and nobody helped me almost when they
could have and now it is too late. Nothing can be done about it anymore,
it is too late. It was already suffered.
I'm sure that whatever trials and challenges that HaShem is testing
you with would seem impossible to most, if not all of us, but for those
times when you may feel the self doubt come on, trust that if it wasn't
supposed to be you doing what your doing then He wouldn't have chosen
you to the one.
I guess so. The whole thing has already been done, the whole thing isyou with would seem impossible to most, if not all of us, but for those
times when you may feel the self doubt come on, trust that if it wasn't
supposed to be you doing what your doing then He wouldn't have chosen
you to the one.
done and over from this side basically. I can die right now and it should
not make any difference anymore.
Much love.
Shalom Shalom
Have a great day, Jos. (lol)Shalom Shalom
By the way, I don't expect anything from this messed up humanity. They
don't want peace, also not the Jewish people. It's all just make
believe. However, after World War 3 which will be so bad, there is a small
chance which I do not want to let go to waste. That is all. I expect this
message will be ignored as usual, that is as expected, but later it may
be realized, and then all these things are already written out in so much
detail, and the whole thing is going to function like a well oiled clock
(I hope). You see what I'm doing ? Prepare your house for hard times.
[Continuing on Usenet.]
I thought about detailing that this is not about Kingship, because I am
not doing that (see title in video). Don't need it, and I am an
anti-Monarchist, of course. One of the things I am against the most, is
Monarchy. I think it is a degrading practice, which can only be a like
what we would call in the Netherlands a "horse cure" (paarden middel).
It means something very strong & rough against a difficult problem,
almost like in a last resort when all else has already failed. The
disease in this question would be: people not listening to or caring for
each other, making a completely mess about what should be common
decisions. A King can then be a "horse cure", a last resort against
total chaos & never ending violence and civil wars. (But I already
crazily replied 3 times with big texts, and I didn't want to push my
luck with that system any further.)
Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.